May Day 2006 in Watsonville
Politics: Santa Cruz County & Beyond
Mexicans in California: Problem or Opportunity (Talk to UCSC alumni in Orange County, 4/27/94)
On the Execution of Timothy McVeigh (Letter to National Catholic Reporter, 5/16/01)
“Why Do They Hate Us?” (Letter to Santa Cruz Sentinel 10/19/01)
Democratic Renewal (Letter to SC Sentinel, 12/4/02)
Fascism: The Politics of Fear ( Introduction to ACLU panel discussion on Civil Libertier & Authoritarian Regimes, 11/20/03)
2004 Elections: Where To Go From Here (Column for SC Sentinel, 11/28/04)
Re: Tax Reform (Letter to Santa Cruz Sentinel,1/26/05)
Find Common Ground (Column in SC Sentinel, 7/9/05)
History of the ACLU (Talk to Santa Cruz Annual Board Retreat, 1/9/05 and 1/98/06)
Don’t Harp on Brown Berets (Letter to SC Sentinel, 2006)
Poverty is the Enemy (Letter to SC Sentinel, 5/27/06)
Illegal Headline (Letter to SC Sentinel, 9/16/06)
Leave the Guy Who is Doing Good Alone (Letter to SC Sentinel, 9/23/07)
We’re All Responsible to Stop Violence (Letter to SC Sentinel, 10/28/07)
Winslow a Seasoned Educator, Leader (Letter to SC Sentinel, 4/1/08)
Budget Cuts Dealt with Humanely (Letter to C Sentinel, 7/9/08)
We Can Do Better in Santa Cruz County (Column in Santa Cruz Sentinel, 7/20/08)
Marriage for Some or Civil Unions for All (Column in SC Sentinel, 11/9/08)
Women’s Rights are Human Rights (Column in SC Sentinel, 1/4/09)
Baseball Story a Home Run (Letter to SC Sentinel 1/20/09)
No More War! (Column for SC Sentinel)
Learning From Mexicans (Column for SC Sentinel, 3/8/09)
Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Primero de Mayo de 2006 ( 5/1/09)
Mass Foreclosures? Not in Our Backyard! (Column for SC Sentinel)
Community Studies, UC & Us (Column for SC Sentinel)
Raise My Taxes, Please, Then Spend Them Wisely (Column for SC Sentinel, 6/7/09)
Social Services & Social Risks (Column for SC Sentinel)